Today my mom, brother tyler, the one NOT in jail, and I went to the pumpkin show in circleville (as seen on the Colbert Report). What should of been an hour drive ended up taking almost 2 hours because traffic was so backed up. It's never been that bad before.
We get there, and after paying a whopping ten dollars for parking we embarked on our quest for pumpkins goodies. I was mildly disappointed in the jewelry selection, every year I always manage to find an absolutely gorgeous bracelet. Not so much this year =[. This year I noticed a lot of the vendors were selling pumpkin burgers. Intriguing, but I wasn't about to spend five dollars I rightfully ganked from my mom on something that might be gross. So we settled on pumpkin bread, pumpkin taffy, pumpkin walnut fudge, pumpkin ice cream and my mom got a pumpkin pie while I indulged in a pumpkin pie latte.
I think we spent a good two hours browsing the booths and stocking up on sweets to take home before we headed home. We were planning on taking Adria but her dad never got back to me. I guess it's a good thing we didn't take her because she would of been less than amused with the amount of people and not being allowed to run around freely. Hopefully we'll be able to take her to boo at the zoo. Halloween is such an exciting time for me.
Miss Adria is, as previously stated, with her dad. We're in the makings of setting up a doctors appointment for her ears. She isn't getting ear infections nearly as much as she used to but she did just have one and it's better safe than sorry. Her dad also wants to get her speech checked out, see if her ears are what's causing her speech delay. That's one thing I'm not as concerned with, but I am curious to see what another doctor has to say about it. Her pediatrician asked if she was attempting to talk and if we were able to communicate with her. If both answers are yes, then she should be fine. It's not like I've ever had an issue communicating with her, I know what her signs are and what "words" mean what. If I ask her to grab her juice/milk, she'll get her cup. If I ask her to grab me the wipes, she'll go find them and if she can't find those she'll bring me a pack of diapers... so it seems she gets the main idea. If you say "where are your boobs!" she'll point to them or mine (don't ask). The only thing we have an issue with is getting her to point to other body parts, and the whole "lalala I can't hear you" phase she's going through. But other than that I know when she's hungry, what she's hungry for, whether she wants juice or milk, and everything else. But I'd feel really awful if it turned out she did have something wrong with her hearing that's causing her to not develop speech. So yeah, we're getting that looked at too.
The other day she slept in to 10:25 and that made me a very happy momma.
dani - oh, how I love the autumn weather.
Posté par
8:35 PM
Etiquettes blog
seventeen months.
I can put her hair in a REAL pony tail now!
I don't know wtf she's doing.
awe her hair.
10.22.07 - blurry but too cute.
hi mom!
"idk my bff jill?"
I told her to stop climbing on me. this was the result.
it is very hard to be adria.
artistic baby.
10.25.07 - at evolved. she was picking out tattoos she liked. whenever she saw a bird she'd say "bah-ee!" and clap.
10.26.07 - play time photoshoot!
crazy face!
playing football in her pretty dress.
a real pony tail!
she's her biggest fan.
I don't feel like editing images.
applauding herself for throwing the ball.
I don't know wtf she's doing.
adria and alyssa.
pretty girl!
posing for mommy.
bright flash, I love her pretty pretty eyes.
she was talking to me.
alyssa playing in the tube thing.
adria wanting in on the action.
playing with the mouse.
kitchen set.
I don't know...
pretty girl!
talking to me.
10.28.07 - playing in uncle tyler's room in the shirt carolyn bought her.
cheeky babe.
trying to escape me.
very blurry, but she was kissing me.
10-29-07 - mommy kisses.
watching the computer.
lol I don't know what she's doing.
loving the kitty.
awe kitty
adria loves to love him.
close up.
glasses case.
playing at my desk.
out of focus smile.
pretty smile.
lauging baby!
"you're so funny mommy!"
mr. neo sleeping.
I'm a comedian, I guess.
sliding out of the chair.
getting down.
she was laughing, not crying.
again, lauging.
emo adria.
10.30.07 - we let adria color her own pumpkin!
she liked playing with the pumpkin
getting started coloring.
figuring out what the marker was.
almost done.
adria eye view.
the tattoo I gave adria.
posing for me.
finished pumpkin!
giving mommy kisses.
more kisses.
10.31.07 - adria's second halloween!
smiles with mommy.
mommy gives adria kisses.
mommy's boobs make excellent pillows.
she noticed the baby on the webcam.
more love.
good hair day
momma dani!
hannah, before we left.
hannah all costumed up!
hannah waiting paitently.
adria's duck costume.
walking with daddy.
riding on daddy's shoulders.
getting candy.
adria got tired of walking.
clinging to daddy's leg.
adria and her grandma (jerrod's mom)
adria and her daddy.
serious hannah.
adria and her grandma.
the girls.
they were not amused.
alyssa trying on hannah's costume.
hannah eating candy.
adria eating a nutri-pals bar.
messy hannah.
artsy hannah.
growling hannah!
lol awkward smiles are the best.
looking else where.
pretty girl!
hannah was giving adria love. adria did not want love.
adria trying to escape.
adria crying lol.
finally accepting love.
hannah attacks!