adria's eighteen month photos have been updated!
I started my job at panera. so far I've done busing, dishes, register, and I've closed the bakery. every night I get sent home with bags full of left overs because a part of my job is to try everything so I can suggest products to customers. I think I've brought home all the pastries, most of the bagels, a few sandwiches and soups, a loaf of honey wheat bread and a loaf of tomato basil bread. I am pleased. my sister and I took the girls there for dinner one night and they were happy babies. adria gobbled the yogurt down like it was cheese. and if you've seen my child eat cheese you'd understand what I mean by that.
adria is scheduled to get her tubes in on december 13th, but this is all depending on if caresource decides to drop me or not. I apparently fail at welfare too. but I think my case worker fails just a little bit harder than I do.
my little girl has been an angle lately, and I can appreciate that. although, if I don't find the ipod she lost we're going to be having some issues.
it's too late to think about the rest of this entry, or even hit the spell check button.
dani - no longer a stay at home mom.
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11:32 PM
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dani - self portraits.
I came across this really cool blog called the self portrait challenge while I was reading jaclyn's site. it looks pretty cool, and for someone who loves her camera, perfect. the only rules are you have to take the picture and you have to be in the picture. this months theme is "What I Wear". one can interpret that however they want.
What I Wear - Week 3. 11.21.07, canon EOS rebel XTI
I wear my hair down, typically unbrushed and in it's natural wavy state. There was once a time when my hair was my obsession. I constantly primped my locks, they were always brightly colored and cleverly cut. If one had told the Dani two years ago that her hair would go untouched by a professional's hand for almost six months, she would of laughed at them. But alas, the last time I did a thing with my hair was in July. It was jet black with chunky hot pink layers. It was cut with thick and deliberate layers. Now it's faded to a dark brown with blonde that is tinted pink. It's grown out and the layers no longer have their funk. I've stopped using shampoo and conditioner and instead opted for the all natural baking soda and apple cider vinegar. I wear my hair with pride and I love it.
I wear Lauren's necklace. I loved it the moment I saw it, I love it just as much today. It is now held together with a twist tie because of a nursing baby that insisted on breaking it off. That might of been one of the dysphoric occurrences my daughter has brought about to date. I remember Lauren and I used to study the jewels and make comments on how much we loved the oval shaped darker blue stone. We loved how it was off centered and not quite in place. We loved the opaque turquoise stone with the translucent shades of blue. I'm still so thankful that she gave me this necklace, it's my favorite thing.
What I Wear - Week 4 c. 2004, canon rebel GII
We wore fancy jewelry. The first bracelet was a clasp on I found at a garage sale in Circleville when was at the pumpkin show. I fell in love with the ornate designs in the metal. In each segment was a pink, light green, or oral-esque stone. Sadly, I have recently misplaced this bracelet, I miss it very much. The second bracelet if I remember correctly, belonged to Lauren's mother. I don't think I need to explain why we loved this retro intricate piece of jewelry. The second image doesn't quite go along with the self portrait theme, seeing as how it is Lauren's ear featured. But it was a series of images and it does play on the theme of our adventures with jewelry and piercings. I wish she knew how much I missed her, and how much I need her.
These images are polaroid lifts placed on watercolor paper, incase anyone wondered about such matters.
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3:12 AM
Etiquettes blog, dani, not baby related, photos, self portraits
dani - time for a real update.
make sure to check out adria's 18 month pictures!
it's so hard to believe my little baby is 18 months old. that's a year and a half. that's almost two years old. I can't believe how fast it's going.
she's been just as sweet as ever, minus toddler attitude and ear issues. jerrod and I took adria to the ENT doctors and they decided to give her tubes. she's scheduled to go in december 13th. she still isn't talking, but she's very good at pointing out body parts when you ask her too. she knows where her diapers are, her wipes, shoes, her chair and so on. if you ask her if she wants food she'll walk to her high chair. adria will say the first sound of words, so bird, baby, belly, boobs, bath and anything else that starts with a B comes out as "baaah". at least she's getting there. I love her jibberish.
the past few weeks I've been on a cleaning kick. instead of doing nothing more than playing with adria in the morning/afternoon, I've been cleaning. I do the dishes, wipe down the counters, sweep up the kitchen. sometimes I vacuum the living room and mop the kitchen. a few days ago I cleaned the bathroom and actually scrubbed the tile floor. it was gross but it needed it. then, I went through adria's closet and boxes and sorted all of her clothes. they're in bags according to size and season. I'm looking to give them away/sell them for like five dollars a bag. I need to get on buying adria large sized diapers. I have a few, but I mostly have medium fuzzibunz and those a getting a tid bit tight. so selling all those bags maybe I can get her a minky diaper, or those raw silk liners I've been wanting to get her.
but about our rooms! her's is completely cleaned and toddler proofed. then I FINALLY finished my room. I had a giant box filled with trash. I cleaned out underneath my bed and got rid of a lot of stuff I just don't need or use anymore. I'm such a pack rat. my room was swept and wiped down. dusted and sanitized. my bed is made and the only messes are on my desk and on my bookshelf. but that's because I don't have enough shelf space to make it look nice. I'm so proud of myself.
in other news, dani is now a working lady! my dad got me a job at panera bread. tomorrow is my orientation, and my first day of paid work. I know some of the people there, and the manager is so nice. I'm getting started at 8.25 an hour, which is a lot more than I was expecting to get started at. maybe I can get enough saved to where I can afford to move out with liz.
adria's dad and I have started talking about his visitation schedule. I don't even know what to think about this. he says I can stay with him if it comes to it but I just don't know. he's wanting to take my last name completely out of her name, and I know he'll get that because that's how the courts work. I'm so hurt that'd he'd do that to me when he knows how much it means to me. if he actually removes my names entirely from hers I don't think I can have anything to do with him at that point. I want to be friends with him but if he's willing to hit me where it really, really hurts then I don't know where to go from that. he's been telling me how he wants things to change, and he presents these in a way that sounds more like demands. like, he doesn't want my mom to babysit anymore. he wants adria in daycare and he said it in a way like "this is what's going to happen because I say so". he said if I move in with liz he wants adria to live with him and not me. and he said that in the same exact way. he said he's not compromising with the last name at all. I wish we wouldn't clash so much.
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3:54 AM
eighteen months.
11.8.07 - pretty adria.
11.13.07 - hip chic dress.
earlier, before she woke up.
when I was two or three.
when I was one.
11.16.07 - afternoon nap.
waking up
showing off her wall paper.
I think she was pointing to neo.
adria laughing at mommy.
silly faces.
close up.
fuzzi bunz
getting in her closet.
pretty girl!
riding her toy.
mommy is cheesey.
sitting in her chair talking.
11.18.07 - after I sorted through all of her stuff and did a deep cleaning.
dresser, crib, toys.
closet and bookshelf.
her mat, it has missing pieces.
11.22.07 - thanksgiving dinner. adria was with her dad's family.
the people didn't interest me nearly as much as the table did =]
11.23.07 - jerrod dropped adria off so she could spend time with her great-grandma (my dad's mom).
sitting on the box of soda.
her hair is out of control.
11.28.07 - sitting on aunt donna's car modeling her relatively new coat.
eating her grilled cheese at panera.
hannah and adria sharing their meal.
nom nom nom.
11.29.07 - playing in the morning while mommy caught up on her south park. minus 50 mom points for that.
playing with her inserts.
she loves the faucet.
playing with the water.
smiles for mommy!
Posté par
3:07 AM
Etiquettes cloth diapers, dani, hannah, panera, photos, room, thanksgiving