
dani - no longer a stay at home mom.

adria's eighteen month photos have been updated!

I started my job at panera. so far I've done busing, dishes, register, and I've closed the bakery. every night I get sent home with bags full of left overs because a part of my job is to try everything so I can suggest products to customers. I think I've brought home all the pastries, most of the bagels, a few sandwiches and soups, a loaf of honey wheat bread and a loaf of tomato basil bread. I am pleased. my sister and I took the girls there for dinner one night and they were happy babies. adria gobbled the yogurt down like it was cheese. and if you've seen my child eat cheese you'd understand what I mean by that.

adria is scheduled to get her tubes in on december 13th, but this is all depending on if caresource decides to drop me or not. I apparently fail at welfare too. but I think my case worker fails just a little bit harder than I do.

my little girl has been an angle lately, and I can appreciate that. although, if I don't find the ipod she lost we're going to be having some issues.

it's too late to think about the rest of this entry, or even hit the spell check button.

1 comment:

missy said...

Hi Dani...Just came over to thank you for stopping by my blog. Nice to meet another Ohioan...would you by any chance be a buckeye fan??? :) I actually lived in Columbus some years ago, in the Victorian Village area not far from campus. Anyway...this post has me thinking I should go get a job at Panera, what with the free samples and all!! Enjoy!