
dani - why not use a 4th blog?

this blog was supposed to only be for photos, but my intentions often end up leading to something else entirely, so why not? different blogs for different audiences. this one is public and I don't have a general audience blog yet so here we go!

I guess a good place to start is the reason I made this blog, the light of my life, adria. she's 16 months. I can't believe it's almost been a year and a half since I gave birth to her. it's been a little over two years since I got the positive pregnancy test. where does the time go? now I have a spunky toddler who is constantly testing her boundaries and learning new things all the time. one day she'll be whining for me to pick her up and put her on the couch, and the next thing I know she's climbing up all by herself. her verbal skills are getting better all the time. she really is just the sweetest little girl. I couldn't of asked for better.

I was thinking the other day about what it'd be like to have another kid. and right now I just don't see it. adria really is one of those only child types. she is so possessive and really does not play well with other kids. comparing her to other kids her age, I've come to realize how independent she is. definitely only child material. when I picture the future it's just me and her. on her birthday I call her out of school early and I take her to lunch and a movie. randomly surprise her with trips to the zoo. I want us to be friends, not just mom and daughter. just me and her. I can't wait to get to know her.

anyways. I'm getting tired, and sentences are seeming redundant so here are some random things:

  • I'm in school for education
  • adria and I live with my parents in suburbia
  • jerrod (adria's dad) gets the girl on weekends, not every other weekend
  • stop telling me he should only have her every other weekend
  • adria will more than likely attend private schools
  • I should vacuum
  • my kid won't watch tv
  • she hates eatting =[
  • she's 23 pounds and 28 inches.


sixteen months.


9.16.07 - adria's first trip to the zoo

we saw jack hanna!!!!

she liked all the animals


baby aligator

some type of cat

it was cute!


cute hair do!

waiting for her chicken nuggets at the food court

talking to strangers

shelly was trying to make it look at us


she was no amused

9.19.07 - mommy and adria photoshoot!


kissy baby

I love her


9.20.07 - playing on my bed

I was spinning her on the chair

9.23.07 - playing out back.

she was watching the dog.

playing in the cabin.

not so happy adria.

I hate dora. so I cut her off the shoes.

9.24.07 - hahahahaha.
she does it to herself, don't feel bad for her.


watching the tv.

maybe she looks like me? maybe?

cassie and adria playing with the two cats.

dani - spending time with mel and jamie lain


this is her town. I arrived way early and she was asleep so I walked around and took pictures

miss jamie lain

I love her hair

mel and jamie, getting ready for a picture



was playing with my camera

baby loves

she seriously has the prettiest eyes

she wanted to leave

at mel's mom's house

fix the view

this is smiling pretty.

"seriously my boobs are way out of control"

"we need a myspace picture!" that's what I look like when I'm sleep deprived