
sixteen months.


9.16.07 - adria's first trip to the zoo

we saw jack hanna!!!!

she liked all the animals


baby aligator

some type of cat

it was cute!


cute hair do!

waiting for her chicken nuggets at the food court

talking to strangers

shelly was trying to make it look at us


she was no amused

9.19.07 - mommy and adria photoshoot!


kissy baby

I love her


9.20.07 - playing on my bed

I was spinning her on the chair

9.23.07 - playing out back.

she was watching the dog.

playing in the cabin.

not so happy adria.

I hate dora. so I cut her off the shoes.

9.24.07 - hahahahaha.
she does it to herself, don't feel bad for her.


watching the tv.

maybe she looks like me? maybe?

cassie and adria playing with the two cats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's so cute. I can't believe she lets you put her hair up. My friends daughter thats about her age hates things in her hair and throws a fit.