
she was born, once.

adria danielle
born may 4th 2006 at 4:32 am
8 pounds 21.5 inches
39 weeks and 6 days

taken from my xanga on may 5th, 2006:

I went to the doctors for my 40 week check up, and I guess I was toxemic and 4 cm dilated, so they told me to go straight to the hospital to get induced. well, we didn't go straight there exactly. I had to come home and shower and get my stuff.... blah blah blah...
we get to the hospital at 6:15 pm, and I'm 5 cm. the doctor came in, broke my water and started the petocin at 6:45. before that, I wasn't feeling ANY of the contractions, but then they started getting pretty bad, so I got this pain medication at 8 and then the epidural at 8:30ish.

they had to do the epidural twice because I guess he missed the first time, but it wasn't that bad because the contractions distracted me and I already had some form of pain killer in me. I ended up getting the epidural two more times because towards the end the pressure was WAY too much to handle.

after that, I pretty much slept until 3 am, which is when the nurse woke me up to tell me I was 9 cm. then I was 10 by 4ish, and then we started pushing. 30 something minutes later, she was born!

I guess I did really good, so says everyone. I didn't yell or scream or anything . plus the labor didn't last long, and I only pushed for 25 minutes or something like that.

nursing is going great! for the first few hours she wouldn't/couldn't nurse. but they said it was because she was too tired... but now everything is going wonderful
last belly pic!

grandma, daddy, baby

me looking all red, swollen, and greasy.


right when we came home.

notice my brother's graffiti

I had to compare.

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