
eleven months.

4.8.07 - it's easter! helping her uncles put the table together

hannah's lunch time. she was 7 months

she'll chew anything

"not funny mom!"

mmm presents

serious hannah

they liked their easter baskets



what is this?

all the baskets belong to adria

both the girls

hannah was excited

very excited

and they both were hungry I guess

4.9.07 - loving her jacquimo (look how big he got!)

he was less than thrilled

messy face

trying to get into everything

awe kitty love

4.10.07 - I love new shoes!

reading her book




myspace pose

4.16.07 - mommy baby love

new piercing

dani t!

babywearing, she does not like kisses

4.17.07 - that was a yawn

4.19.07 - how adorable

4.22.07 - drinking juice

2.25.07 - taking pictures with squirmy babies is not easy

kissy baby

4.26.06 - bath time with mommy and dani t.

still toothless!

trying to grab the water

lol her hair

hi dani!

not liking getting rinsed

jacquimo did not approve of fungus


me talking to my baby

yelling at us


5.3.07 - "ew!"

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